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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since
the 1500s, when

$ 690 / month

Premium Membership

Wenn ich mich für die Prämie Mitgliedschaft entscheide, habe ich folgende Möglichkeiten

  • See all profiles completely
  • Chat option
  • Favorite a profile
  • Send a smile, by clicking the smilie icon below the profile image 
  • Send a heart, by clicking the heart icon below the profile image 
  • Send a golf ball, by clicking the golf ball icon below the profile image
  •  I will receive emails when someone writes to me
  •  I can add other members as friends to my profile Search function Search function
  •  Search by distance
  •  Search for newest entries
  •  Search for last active profiles
  •  no sorting

$ 0 / month

Free Membership

Wenn ich mich für die Frei Mitgliedschaft entscheide, habe ich folgende Möglichkeiten

• Can see all profiles, but profile and gallery images are blurred

 • No Chat options, read ok, write no permission without Premium Membership Plan 

• Favorite a profile 

• Send a smile, by clicking the smilie icon below the profile image

 • Send a heart, by clicking the heart icon below the profile image 

• Send a golf ball, by clicking the golf ball icon below the profile image

 • I will receive emails when someone writes to me, but must be a premium Member to read the message 

• I can’t add other members as friends to my profile

 • Can send a smile or heart to a member Search function 

• Can’t Search by distance

 • Can’t Search for newest entries 

• Can’t’ Search for last active profiles

 • no sorting at all